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Putting the Care in Care Package

You have not been a college freshman in many years. When you were in college, your parents didn’t send you boxes filled with treats and gifts. The hassle and expense alone were too much, and you were possibly indifferent to the lack of care packages.

Does your freshman care about receiving care packages? Sending care packages to your college freshman may mean more to him than he lets on. Even if your freshman doesn’t request care packages from home, I strongly encourage you to send them with specific items included.

Why care packages matter to your freshman

Care packages can be a simple way to demonstrate your care for your freshman. Even if your freshman is not particularly homesick or requesting reminders of home, he definitely appreciates your attention in the form of care packages.

Why? First and foremost, no freshman will turn down free items. College is incredibly expensive, a fact of which your freshman is becoming increasingly aware. Your freshman will embrace any chance to be one of the kids again and receive free items from you. Now that he better understands the cost of living, he will be more than happy to catch a break in the form of free items.

Second, your freshman enjoys your showing that you care. You can say you love or deeply care for your freshman until you’re blue in the face, but your freshman may appreciate your demonstrations of love much more than your words. Sending care packages with thoughtfully chosen items is a definite way for you to express your affection with actions.

Third, your freshman appreciates not having to run to the store. Many freshmen do not have vehicles during their freshman year on campus. The lack of an accessible vehicle limits their ability to get places. Although your freshman may know someone with a vehicle, constantly asking for rides can be awkward and uncomfortable for your freshman. When you send items your freshman, consider choosing items your freshman would normally need to travel to purchase—saving him time and the hassle of finding a ride.

Fourth, your freshman receives a boost of energy to get things done. A simple care package can help to reenergize your weary freshman. Even in second semester, your college freshman is daily met with difficult tasks. He likely feels overwhelmed on a regular basis, but receiving a simple package can provide the encouragement he needs to push through his weariness.

When to send a care package to your freshman

The typical college parent cannot afford to send care packages every few weeks, and no parent should feel pressured to send something every few weeks. (Frankly you probably shouldn’t do this either). So, how often should you send care packages to your freshman?

Your freshman does not need you to supply all of his needs while he is at college. He needs to learn how to take care of himself and plan ahead when needing to purchase items. However, a small package sent every once in a while can lift his spirits.

There are a few times during the school year in which care packages are especially appreciated. One time would be about a month into the semester. At this point the realness of college is starting to set in. Your freshman’s classes are becoming more time-consuming and demanding. This is the perfect time to send some encouragement his way.

Another time would be around midterms. This halfway point can be incredibly exhausting and discouraging to your freshman. He has come far but is overwhelmed with how much of the semester is still left. Mistakes or lack of focus on his grades make getting caught up or salvaging his grades an incredible challenge. A care package will give him a boost to get his work done.

A third time would be around finals. At this point, your freshman feels like he has nothing left to give, yet he has to continue pushing. Sending him snacks and other reminders of your love can help him keep going.

In all honesty, sending your freshman three care packages each semester is probably more than necessary, but sending at least one will be much appreciated. You know your freshman well, so judge how often a care package would be helpful.

What to put in a care package for your freshman

The best rule to remember is to keep your care packages practical. Your freshman’s crowded dorm room does not need more things to fill up the limited space. While surprising your freshman with a care package from out of the blue is amusing, the easiest way to avoid sending unwanted items is ask him what he would like.

As a busy parent, sending a prepackaged care package is usually easier and more convenient for you. There is nothing wrong with sending some of these. If you’re looking for a list of popular items that require very little effort on your part, look at this article from Grown and Flown: “Want to Order a College Care Package? Here Are the Best Resources”. They give many creative ideas that your freshman will love.

If you have the time to personally put together a package for your freshman, try to do so. No premade care package can include exactly what your freshman wants or needs. Here are a few key guidelines to assist you in the process.

Don’t send items that your freshman will not use and does not need. These kinds of items include school supplies. Your freshman rarely uses the typical school supplies. Packages of notebook paper, folders, or dividers are usually more of a waste of space than a help. These kinds of items also include package after package of fatty or sugary foods. While these foods are delicious and can be a treat, your freshman may be trying to be healthy. Having these foods close at hand makes it easy for your freshman to eat poorly.

Do send items that your freshman will use and does need. Your freshman may give you a list of items that he truly needs or wants, but he may also have no idea what he wants or needs (e.g. “I don’t care. Whatever is fine.”). In general certain items are typically needed and will usually be well-received.

Your freshman will not turn down homemade food, but these items can be hard to send in the mail. if possible, try to include some food that reminds your freshman of home. Your freshman will not turn down gift cards to his favorite restaurants, chain coffee shops, gas stations, or food delivery services. These gift cards can also provide opportunities for your freshman to socialize with money he would not normally have.

Other items that are often forgotten are disposable items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, contact solution, travel-size Kleenex packages, gum, mints, mechanical pencils, etc. Your freshman will greatly appreciate you sending these tiny items that require him finding a ride or taking time to travel to a grocery store.

When possible, don’t forget your freshman’s roommates. Even if your freshman is struggling to get along with his roommates, sending something small to your child’s roommates will only make him more well-liked. This also gives your freshman an opportunity to give back to roommates who likely have helped him navigate his freshman year.

Care packages are an easy and fairly inexpensive way to encourage your freshman. These simple gifts exemplify the same generosity that you want your own child to develop. Your example will not go unnoticed or unappreciated, especially by your freshman.